‘Very Best Excuse’ launches for The Very Group.
‘Very Best Excuse’, our new work for online retailer The Very Group, has launched.
Created to highlight Very’s cross-category retail range including clothes and homeware in the run-up to Christmas, the work is running as partnerships across ITV and Channel 4.
It shows how Christmas is the Very Best Excuse to go all out and be a little bit over the top with the things that are important to you and your family.
The eight spots show a series of well-known faces, including Alison Hammond and Vernon Kay on ITV and Anna Richardson and Liam Charles on Channel 4, as they share their very best excuses.
In addition to the partnership activity, the films will be shared by the featured talent across their social channels.
Katrina Ward-Smith, Brand and Commercial Customer Leader, The Very Group, said: ‘The Very Best Excuse is all about celebrating the things we can only get away with at this time of year. The Outfit’s approach has really helped bring that to life, working closely with our partners to create content that is engaging, entertaining and fun’.
In partnership with ITV, Channel 4 and Story Lab.